Sunday, December 29, 2013


It's alive. I'm alive.

While I was feeling burnt out on blogging, and thought I'd take a break for a few weeks, I really never intended to make that more like a break for 20ish weeks. But then life hit.

There was a high-profile, high-pressure project at work with insane deadlines and stress and responsibility. There was a promotion. There was work travel, home travel, and best-friend-getting-married travel. There was a day at the U.S. Open, a week at the beach with the family, then a weekend at the beach with co-workers. There were plays, concerts, and movies. There were crying and breakdowns. There was trying to go in the wrong apartment, using the wrong detergent in the washer, and twice locking myself out of the apartment. There was a broken iPhone screen. There were happy hours, happy hours, and happy hours. There were dinners and brunches with my friends and not-a-dates with some other friends. There was book club. There was nightclub dancing in Miami with my besties and then there was a perfect D.C. wedding.

There was a lot that happened and I'm barely scratching the surface.

I miss blogging and writing and being creative here.

Yet every time I open "Learning to Fly" I realize that title just doesn't describe who I am anymore. I'm not saying I'm not learning or that I'm not still trying to figure it out. I am. Oh I am. It's just not quite as scary, intimidating, and mysterious as it used to be. All of those words and the feelings that accompany them are what I associate with this blog and this title. It's what I was feeling when I started this blog at 22, when the mere idea of learning to fly terrified me to my core.

I turn a new (big) age in a few days. While it's completely freaking me out, I'm not terrified to my core. And while I'm not about to wax nostalgic about the past 8 years, I also can't just say good riddance. I'll just say I'm ok.. I'll just say that I'm starting a new blog, and a new daily blogging project, and you should come along.

(This blog will remain but will no longer be updated. The new blog has all of these posts imported. I like everything in its place.)

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