Sunday, October 05, 2008

Day 279: Cgbraimde sylte

A sduty at Cbgarmide sarevel yraes ago pevord taht the oedrr of the ltretes in a wrod deos not mteatr to the bairn, jsut taht the fsrit and lsat ltteres are creocrt. New tnhig of the day: wnitirn my etnry, Cgbraimde sylte. I tihnk it is a vrey initserentg sudty and has pvoern vrey ture, at lsaet for me. But you hvea to wneodr who frsit reilzaed it. Waht sdsuepoply blianlrit Crmadbige mnid sat dwon one day, jlbumebd all the ltretes in his or her wniitrg, jsut for the hcek of it? And tenh pverod, whuitot the aid of hulgneailcionc dugrs, he or she culod siltl raed it? Tehy wulod not hvea so mcuh tmei on tiehr hndas if tehy had an amoewsoe bkeltbasal or falbotol taem.

1 comment:

  1. Is it bad that I could read that? And yes we do have a AWESOME football and basketball team.
    See you Friday!!!
    Love Amee
    PS Marcus Ginyard having surgery next week out about 2 and 1/2 months. how sad!



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