Saturday, May 17, 2008

Day 138: If I only I could get stamps in my passport, too

On a beautiful Spring day, I travelled the world.

Serbia, Madagascar, South Korea, India, Australia, Peru, and Trinidad and Tobago. All without leaving DC. Today various embassies opened their doors to the public to partake in their culture - food, pictures, videos, dancing, and did I mention food? I not only entered an embassy, or seven, for the first time, I also ate all sorts of food I've never tried, and to be honest, don't really know what half of it was. Which I never do.

Serbian candy and a Munchmallow. Australian lamb and cheese. (Never had lamb before.) Indian sticky sweet rice ball and something stuffed with something green. Trinidad and Tobago chicken. A Peruvian olive. And Malagasy spiced stuffed something too. And more.

It was a great day spent being transported to other places, one of my most favorite things to do, even when it doesn't require me to change time zones.

Dancer at Indian Embassy:
Peru:Madagascar:Travelling the world is tiring. Resting my battered feet in the fountain at the Sculpture Gallery:

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