Thursday, September 04, 2008

Day 248: Can you hear me now? (No.)

For years the cell phone curse has been squarely on the little brother. Prior to buying my own, I had just three, keeping them all for the time required of the contract. As soon as I buy my own, I have one that turns itself off, and now another, that has been dropped in water. Yes, I dropped my cell phone in a waiting-to-be-cleaned salad bowl full of water.

I went to grab it off the counter, but the gentle tap slid it toward the sink and into the bowl. For the benefits of all reading, I have depicted the harrowing scene in a comic drawing. Though there really is nothing comic about being phone-less for many days as I hope and pray the battery will resuscitate itself. (Still waiting.)

Key to understanding my drawing.Re-enactment of the crime scene. (The black box represents my despair. I'm way deep.) I had to do it like a photo strip because I don't know how to change the margins of my blog. Oh well.

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Shannon learned the hard way too that cell phones and water do not mix. She put her's in the washing machine (by accident of course).

    Aunt Traci



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