Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day 271: Everybody reads

It's been a dreary few days here in Washington. Luckily, I love the rain and dreariness. Except for when I have to be out in it. Except for when there is a National Book Festival going on, mere minutes from my home, which I attended today.
I got a late start and missed a few people I wanted to hear, but saw the big three I had hoped to see, and had a nice few hours surrounded by soggy, fellow book lovers.

Tiki Barber, who is quite short in person. Sadly, I did not get to heckle him, as had been my original intention. (The heckle? "Hey, Tiki, remember when you called Eli Manning a joke? Haha, how funny was it when they won the Super Bowl without you?" Hey, at least it's better than my stand-by Duke heckle, "Your architecture sucks!")

Bob Schieffer, who was awesome. Intelligent, funny, and a brilliant journalist. And, totally friends with Helen Thomas. Cokie Roberts, also quite short. She spoke about the founding mothers, with some really great stories. Sadly I had to leave before it was over as I'd been standing for three hours and thought my legs were going to fall off.

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