Friday, January 04, 2008

Day 4: What is art?

When it comes to art, I like what I like and I don't like what I don't like. I can never remember period and movement names, and who goes where. I can tell the difference between Van Gogh and Monet, but not usually Michaelangelo or Raphael. I like art that makes me think, that reminds me of something else, or just evokes something in me I wasn't expecting. And if they're pretty. :-)

There are a few paintings that I can pinpoint as the first pieces of art I ever took an interest in, circa fifth/sixth grade. One of which is Hopper's "Nighthawks," which I remember in a literature book in sixth grade:
Today I saw this painting, as well as others, at the National Gallery of Art in a Hopper exhibition. I also saw an exhibition of J.M.W. Turner's work, a favorite of mine since viewing this painting, "The Fighting Temeraire tugged to her Last Berth to be broken up," at the National Gallery in London:
(This was not on view at our gallery.)

Hopper's had vibrant colors depicting very American scenes. Turner's were detailed and majestic, with some amazing landscapes. Examples of Turner's work: Time Magazine Slideshow. Examples of Hopper's work: Museum Syndicate's Gallery.

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