Tuesday, June 19, 2012

100 Secrets: 70-61

  1. My pajama top and bottoms have to at least somewhat match.
  2. If I get ketchup, mustard, or any condiment on my hand, I can't lick it off, I have to wipe it off.
  3. I don't like to go in a store if I'm wearing something from there.
  4. My first real kiss was at 19.
  5. But my kindergarten "boyfriend" did kiss me.
  6. And the same "boyfriend" came out our senior year and dropped out of school to model.
  7. Sometimes I have to stop and think to myself: 60 minutes in an hour, 100 cents in a dollar.
  8. I only shower at night and have never showered in the morning before a work day.
  9. The only time I pay my bills is at work.
  10. I hate to write in print and when I do the spacing is all wonky.

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